About us

It is hard to believe how time flies. In 2011 we started company Felix WINES, s.r.o. that is a follower of a company, which was started and maged by Vladimír Čuchran. He is still the spirit of our company and gives it its uniqueness and honesty.

Vlado, still as a fan and lover of wine, visited Slovak winemakers, who at that time started producing high-quality Slovak wines. He spent long days with them in the vineyards debating and searching for the right wine culture in our country.

Few people know that it was he, who first brought to Košice products of then unknown wineries, such as Karpatská perla, Martin Pomfy, Juraj Zápražný, Vinkor – Juraj Vršek, Peter Podola, and even wines from the iconic Slovak winemaker Miroslav Petrech. i.e. Chateau Belá. Then we started to see the direction we wanted to go. We were pioneers in the quality and honest work of Slovak winemakers.

Our handwriting was also evident in the promotion of the currently very popular STREKOV 1075 wines, as they first appeared at the Košice Wine Olympus thanks to our company. Already during the first years, we intensively supported lesser-known winemakers from Tokaj - and not only in the Villa Cassa wine shop, winemakers such as Matúš Vdovjak, Marián Takáč, Štefan Horník, Martin Danko and others were presented for the first time. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Rozvíjajúce sa portfólio zastúpených vinárov a postupne sa rozrastajúca klientela boli impulzom na založenie Felix WINES, s. r. o. 

The year 2018 became another milestone in the development of the company - Felix WINES was looking for a strong partner in order to consolidate its position on the market and, of course, to expand the portfolio of wines and services offered, which are inseparably linked to this segment. A strong distribution company offered us cooperation and we are very happy to have found a great business partner who shares the same values and enthusiasm for Slovak and world wines as we do. This is how F. W. D., s. r. o. also known as Felix Wines Distribution, s. r. o. came to life.

A tak sme sa dostali až k rozhodnutiu, že našim stálym, ale veríme, že aj novým, zákazníkom ponúkneme ďalší distribučný kanál – e-shop www.felixwines.sk. Vývoju e-shopu sme skutočne podriadili veľa zmien vo vnútri spoločnosti. Tak ako pri osobnom kontakte, aj v tomto prípade sa budeme snažiť, aby ste dostali maximum a dokázali si vybrať z našej ponuky vďaka radám a skúsenostiam tímu okolo Vlada Čuchrana.

We believe that you will like and visit our e-shop not only for the purpose of shopping, but also for the services and genuine information that we also want to offer through it.

Black Friday

Poďte si vyhnutnať našu výnimočnú zľavu 15% so zľavovým kupónom BLACKF15

Valentínska Ponuka !​

Použite kód na nezľavnené produkty a dostaňte 10% na bublinky a ružové vína !

Lets stay in touch

Nenechajte si ujsť naše novinky, zľavy, termíny ochutnávok a iných akcií. 

Chystáte sa vstúpiť na stránku s predajom alkoholu

Prehlasujem, že mám viac ako

18 rokov